Variety is the spice of life.

Listen to Tim Ferriss but stop before you develop too many neuroses and feelings of inferiority.

Listen to Happiness Lab but stop before you berate yourself for not following any of the recommendations.

Listen to Joe Rogan but stop before you take him seriously.

Listen to This American Life but stop before your bleeding heart tries to save the world

Listen to Real Coffee but stop before you become a self righteous hypnotist.

Listen to Jocko but stop before you think the enemy is right there to get you.

Listen to Hardcore History but stop before you keep mentioning how many people died at Verdun. 

Listen to Revisionist History but stop before you think there is no nuance in history.

Listen to Tangentially Speaking but stop before you become a hippie.  

Listen to 99% Invisible but stop before Roman Mars’ voice seduces you.

Listen to Heavyweight but stop before you feel too bad for Johnathan.  

Listen to the Moth but stop before you become a spoken word artist.

Listen to Crazy Good Turns but stop before you feel too selfish.

Listen to the James Altucher show but stop before you start 100 businesses simultaneously.

Listen to conversations with Tyler but stop before you feel too dimwitted. 

Listen to On Being but stop before you forget to pay bills.