Embrace the Ennui

Put your phone down. Take a seat. Now turn your attention inward. We cannot even begin until you become familiar with boredom. You begin to know boredom on a personal level. You begin to internalize it. You no longer feel bored; you simply are bored.

This is when we start to tip toe into ennui.

The boredom transforms into listlessness. Your mind and body feel the urge for inputs and action. At first, the body is gently suggesting movement. These suggestions shift into demands. The demands twist into shouts and the shouts revolt into screams.

For escape. For control.

These mental screams echo around your body, demanding movement. Meanwhile, your mind is racing, justifying each thought with the certainty of importance. The mind contrives the perfect ambush to compel thoughts and movement.

But if you wait just long enough…

The screams start to subside, and the echoes begin to soften. The screams are reduced to shouts, which turn back into demands. The demands then shrink into suggestions, which eventually become whispers. The whispers no longer echo and request movement. Instead, the whispers become easier to observe, simply acknowledge. 

You begin to whisper back with a smile, “Not right now.”